
Showing posts from June, 2024

Sarah and Daisy The Chicken "Flip Book"

The Angel Bar, a story by Rachel Love


Rachel at the Angel Bar

In the ethereal glow of the Angel Bar, Rachel found herself a new patron, her earthly worries dissolved like mist. This was the celestial lounge where souls paused before diving back into the tumultuous sea of life. The air was thick with the scent of nostalgia and the buzz of anticipation. The bar was a sanctuary for the departed, a place where the drinks flowed like the River Styx, but with a cheerier ambiance. Here, spirits mingled, sharing tales of lifetimes past, their laughter echoing through the halls of eternity. Rachel, with her newfound afterlife serenity, took it all in with a smile. At the bar, the short-termers clinked glasses, their time on Earth spent in the fast lane, living like comets streaking across the night sky—brilliant, but brief. They were the rock stars who burned too bright, now content to savor the aftertaste of fame in the form of heavenly peanuts. Beneath each ashtray lay the suggestion forms, the tickets to another round on Earth. These slips of fate o

Sarah and Daisy the Chicken

Once upon a time, in a cozy little town, there lived a young girl named Sarah. Her heart was as big as her smile, and her best friend was not a person, but a chicken named Daisy. Daisy was no ordinary chicken; she was an emotional support chicken, a fluffy bundle of feathers that brought joy and comfort to Sarah's life. Sarah had received Daisy as an Easter gift from her Granny, who knew just how much love Sarah had to give. Daisy quickly became more than a pet; she was a confidante, a playmate, and a source of unwavering support. But not everyone in the town understood the special bond between Sarah and Daisy. The city officials, with their stern faces and rigid rules, declared that chickens were not allowed in the city. They came to Sarah's home, their words as cold as the winter wind, saying Daisy had to go. Sarah's heart trembled like a leaf in the storm. The thought of losing Daisy was unbearable. Her mother, seeing the distress in her daughter's eyes, stood fi

Sarah and Daisy, the Chicken


When I Think Of You


Happy Song Redux


Finding Peace a Poetic Expression


My Brown Eyed Angel


Brown Eyed Angel

I was just a small child when the brown-eyed angel first appeared to me. My home was a place of chaos and torment, with adults who drank and partied late into the night. They would often get angry and take out their frustrations on me, a defenseless child who didn't understand why they were hurting me. I would hide in my tiny clothes closet whenever the party started, huddling in the darkness and praying for help. I felt like I had to pray forever, pleading with Jesus to save me from the pain and suffering. But it seemed like my prayers were falling on deaf ears, as the abuse continued night after night. Despite the teachings of Sunday school, where I learned that Jesus could hear my prayers, I felt abandoned and alone. Until one fateful night, when the brown-eyed angel appeared in my closet. She didn't say a word, but simply reached out her hand to me. I hesitantly took it, feeling a sense of peace wash over me for the first time in a long time. From that moment on, the ang

The Healing Power of Faith: Unveiling the Invisible Force in Recovery


“The Healing Power of Faith: Beyond Medicine”

In the journey of healing, we often attribute our recovery to the tangible elements of the process: the skilled hands of our doctors, the science behind our medications, and the procedures that mend our ailments. Yet, there’s an intangible force that plays a crucial role in our healing — our faith. Faith is the cornerstone of healing, a silent energy that intertwines with our physical processes to restore balance and health. It’s not just faith in the medical system or the treatments prescribed; it’s the faith within us, a deep-seated belief that we can and will get better. The Essence of Healing Faith When we talk about faith in healing, it’s not limited to religious beliefs or spiritual practices. It’s an attitude of healing — a mindset that activates our innermost energies, aligning our body, mind, and spirit towards recovery. This attitude is a form of healing energy that transcends the physical realm, offering a sense of peace and positivity that is essential for recovery. The

The Cycle of Reincarnation: Lessons Across Lifetimes


The Cycle of Reincarnation: Lessons Across Lifetimes

Reincarnation posits that life is not a linear path ending in oblivion but a cyclical process of birth, death, and rebirth. Each incarnation is a chapter in the soul’s eternal voyage, where it gathers wisdom, cultivates virtues, and strives to balance the scales of karma1. The soul, an eternal student in the universe’s classroom, attends the school of earthly experiences to evolve and ascend. Lessons of Karma and Growth Karma, often misunderstood as a system of cosmic retribution, is fundamentally about cause and effect, action and reaction1. It is the natural law that ensures every deed—good or bad—ripples through time, teaching us accountability and responsibility for our choices. Through the lens of reincarnation, karma becomes the curriculum, and life’s challenges are the exams we must pass to graduate to higher levels of consciousness. The Purpose of Our Earthly Sojourn Why do we return? The answer lies in the lessons we are here to learn—lessons of love, compassion, forgiveness

The Mystical Journey of Tarot: Unveiling Centuries of Wisdom


The Tarot

Once upon a time, in the mid-15th century, a new form of playing cards emerged in the vibrant courts of Italy. These were not ordinary cards but a mystical set that would come to be known as the Tarot1. The Tarot decks were a marvel of artistry and symbolism, featuring a fifth suit of 21 illustrated cards called trionfi, or “triumphs,” and an odd card known as il matto, "the fool"2. The Tarot’s journey began with the noble families of Italy, who commissioned hand-painted decks adorned with images reflecting their medieval culture. Among these early decks was the famed Visconti-Sforza, a testament to the opulence and power of its patrons3. As the Tarot traveled across Europe, it evolved, taking on new forms and meanings, becoming a tool for divination and a mirror to the soul. The Tarot deck comprises 78 cards, each a world unto itself, divided into the Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards, each representing life’s karmic and spiritual lessons. These

Discover the Healing Power of Silence

In our bustling world, where noise clamors for attention, silence emerges as a precious elixir. Here’s why embracing silence can transform your well-being: Lower Blood Pressure: Amid the cacophony, silence whispers calmness. A mere 2 minutes of quiet after music can reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Let silence be your sanctuary for cardiovascular health1. Sharper Focus: When the world hushes, your mind sharpens. Silence nurtures concentration, allowing you to dive deep into tasks. Imagine a symphony of productivity, conducted by stillness. Taming Racing Thoughts: Anxiety’s tempest subsides in silence. Rather than chaos, let stillness be a canvas for mindful reflection. Breathe, untangle thoughts, and find clarity. Brain Growth: Silence isn’t emptiness; it’s fertile ground for brain cells to sprout. Neurogenesis thrives in quietude. Let your mind bloom. Cortisol Reduction: Stress retreats when silence envelops you. Cortisol—the stress hormone—bows to the serenity of silence. How

Thriving in the Quantum Age: A Guide to Embracing Change


The Strength of Us: Uniting in Community


The Power of Meaningful Connections: Building a Supportive Community

The Power of Meaningful Connections: Building a Supportive Community Introduction In a world where individualism often takes center stage, the significance of community cannot be overstated. Whether physical or virtual, communities provide a nurturing space where like-minded individuals come together to share experiences, support one another, and collectively thrive. In this blog post, we’ll explore the role of community in our lives, emphasizing its impact on personal growth, happiness, and overall well-being. 1. The Importance of Building Genuine Connections Connecting Beyond Superficiality Meaningful connections go beyond casual interactions. They involve genuine conversations, shared interests, and a sense of belonging. When we engage with others authentically, we create a network of support that extends beyond our immediate circles. Community Involvement and Social Connection Community involvement fosters social connections and networks, enabling individuals to meet like-minded