
Showing posts from April, 2024

New Thought

Have you heard of New Thought? New Thought is a spiritual movement that emphasizes the power of our minds to shape our reality! This philosophy is closely connected to Unity and Metaphysical churches. Here's how: Unity, founded by Myrtle and Charles Fillmore, is a Christian branch of New Thought. They believed in the teachings of Jesus but interpreted them through a lens of positive thinking and the Law of Mind. Metaphysical Churches focus on the deeper spiritual truths behind religious texts and traditions. They often incorporate New Thought ideals like the interconnectedness of all things. This connection between New Thought and these churches wouldn't be possible without influential ministers like: Phineas Quimby: Considered a forerunner of New Thought, Quimby believed in the mind-body connection and the power of positive thinking for healing. Ernest Holmes: Founder of Religious Science, another branch of New Thought, Holmes emphasized the importance of individual spiritual

Silent Prayer and Sleep

Have you ever noticed the calming similarity between silent prayer and restful sleep? Both are journeys inward. We quiet the external noise and enter a state of surrender, a space for deep connection with our Creator. But here's a thought: what if this need for stillness is more than coincidence? Perhaps the Creator, in all their wisdom, built silence and sleep into our very being. Sleep allows our bodies to heal and recharge, but it might also be a time for our spirits to reconnect with the divine. Similarly, silent prayer isn't just about spoken words. It's about opening ourselves to God's love and healing grace in the quiet. The most profound prayers can be the quietest ones. Moments of reflection, trust, and simply being present.

Body and Soul

Body & Soul: It's All Connected! Did you know your emotions and spirit can impact your physical health? It's true! Here are some surprising connections: Heartbreak & Your Heart: Feeling stressed or heartbroken? It can raise your risk of heart problems. Take care of your emotional well-being for a healthier heart! Fear & Your Gut: Feeling anxious or worried all the time? It can mess with your digestion. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind and soothe your stomach. Feeling Stuck & Your Legs/Feet: Can't seem to move forward in life? Experiencing leg or foot problems could be a sign. Address emotional roadblocks and fears to get yourself moving again!

A Reminder

A reminder that sometimes, in the stillness and quiet moments, we find our deepest truths. Life’s journey often propels us forward at breakneck speed, urging us to achieve, accumulate, and strive. Yet, as you’ve discovered, it’s during the pauses, the moments of reflection, that we truly connect with our essence. Fear, that relentless companion, often drives us to rush ahead. But when we slow down, we can see fear for what it is—an illusion, a projection of what might happen. In the present, there is no fear, only acceptance and love. Looking back, we may seek answers, but sometimes the road behind us holds no solutions. Instead, it’s in the present that we find clarity, compassion, and the freedom to just be. May your journey continue to unfold with grace and wisdom. And may you always find solace in the silence, where judgment fades away, leaving only love.